Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Faith and Family: From Fat to Fit

This article from Faith and Family Magazine's latest edition gave me some things to think about.

The author had success losing 80 pounds, and while I'm happy for her, I'm also a bit jealous and befuddled. I don't need to lose that much weight, but I'd love to apply some of the author's tips to my own situation. She suggested replacing soda with water, revealing that she consumed a GALLON a day of regular pop! I haven't had a regular, sugar-laden soda in at least 15 years! How can I cut out what I don't eat or drink?

She offers sensible advice about eating lots of veggies and dipping the tines of that fork in the dressing instead of coating the leaves with it. Done. Am I thin yet?

OK, I'm starting to sound a little snarky. The truth is that some of us can do everything "right" and have trouble losing weight. Today I'm at that place where I desperately want two things that seem to exclude one another: I want to be thinner than I am right now, and I want to love myself just as I am. How to get there? Not sure, but that's one of the reasons for this blog, right?

I think the author's best advice is to seek balance. Check it out and tell me what you think.


Soul Pockets said...

I really want to be happy with myself. But I also want to be thinner. Not skinny, semi fit would be good. I so desperately want to be balanced. :)

Sara said...

I'm with you, Cathy. It stinks to be 43 and still trying to lose the weight from 6 kids. I'm still at the postpartum weight from my last (6 yo) (although I did lose 10 and regain it years later).

I think I eat very healthfully, but there may be an issue with quantity. Lately, I've read The No-S Diet (nosdiet.com) and if I could just get to where I don't eat snacks, something might happen. That's the hardest for me---the boredom or emotional eating.

As for health---I'm only (only!) 35 lbs. overweight, and my bloodwork is all excellent, but I don't love myself as much as I should this way.

Jamie Jo said...

Hi! I love your blog and your idea for this! I will read your other blog as soon as I get a chance, this one peaked my interest first, though...is that bad, first the diet blog then the faith blog? I'm writing to Cathy, thank you for stopping by my blog today, nice to "meet" you!!

I am in the same struggle as you. It seems with each baby the weight got harder and harder to lose. I have been at this weight for over a year now. I just started exercising, Just finished day 6!! I feel great! But my order of my day needs to be fixed, as some of the days I had my workout clothes on from the get go but did not even exercise until noon, shower then we ate lunch at 1:30!! So many things to work on at once!

I started by giving up my morning International Food French Vanilla coffee, my breakfast of choice, last week. Now I force myself to eat a good breakfast. (cereal w/milk or toast) Then I gave up my afternoon Diet Cokes (one or two) I figure that much caffinne just cannot be good, right?

I have been a diabetic since I was 10 (type I diabetes is different than type II) and actually eat really healthy. Growing up, I was always thin, it's these darn pregnancies! (which are totally worth it) I don't eat inbetween meals (at all) and I don't drink sugar drinks or juice. I REALLY need to exercise!!

I am always trying to count points although I am not in Weight Watchers, I know the diet and the point system. I am writing it down though again. (since last Thursday)

Oh, gosh, I've already said way too much on my first visit here!
I should try to save more for other posts, huh?

Well, thank you for starting this blog, I will be a regular!

I DO have a question, How does a person get to the point where she feels sexy (for her husband) when she is overweight? I know if I were thinner, that would change and it's hard to accept my body image in that manner.

Cathy Adamkiewicz said...

Jamie, Thank you so much for visiting! You have great insights and things to share, so I do hope you'll return!
Great question about feeling sexy for the husbands...something to think about.
I somehow think the key is to begin feeling sexy and beautiful for YOU. Because the real truth is our husbands do indeed think we are beautiful..(I'm serious, just ask him!) We women tend to put much more emphasis on our "flaws" than our husbands do.
They really do love us as we are -- and we should too!
Here's to working on this together!